Alright, so not a whole lot has happened since yesterday but this is the only thing to do in quarantine. I really thought they were kidding when they told us that the first week of orientation we would be quarantined from everyone. I am almost used to the time change, I hope it is this easy to adjust when I go back home. Today we got up around 7, had another breakfast of fried eggs and hot dogs with toast (we decided they taste more like soy dogs though), then had our first meeting for orientation.
We learned a lot about Korean history and culture today. We also got our English curriculum books for the camps. Everyone is really nice...that's the only good thing about quarantine is we all have nothing to do together so we've been forced to get to know each other. It was very stormy today...but still incredibly humid. It's like breathing in water. We're still waiting for them to bring back our beer. That would help.
Christine had to go to sleep early since she's been staying up all night talking with our new Korean friend Margaret (that's her "English name"). The only sad thing about going to Mokpo is that Margaret has to stay here. I can't even tell you how excited I am that I don't have to stay here the whole time though, I have had enough of the island experience.
Nothing ever dries here, it is just constantly damp/soaking wet. I did some laundry today but there are no driers so I am thinking I might have to blow dry all of my clothes. Since nothing ever dries that also means that this whole building is covered in mold. I think they are trying to fix up the building but it still feels very dilapidated and in disrepair.
I have been taking pictures of all the big creepy bugs. Oh, and Ian, I found a really cool mushroom, it was orange and had three arms that met at the top. It was crazy looking.
The mosquitoes are starting to get me. I need to go coat my legs in DEET.
Ok, now I am going to tell you the most exciting news of all: Our puppy was born last night!! She's a one pound healthy little perfect girl. Pictures to come! We're getting a Bernese Mountain Dog...we can pick her up in 8 weeks. Yay!
they got the toilet thing all wrong...
ReplyDeleteHow do you like those squat toilets? Haha
ReplyDeletehaha, I haven't actually used the squatting toilets...I might get brave enough to do it once while I'm here.